Are Your Feeling Overwhelmed?

"How Would You Like To Be Able To Take Total Control Of Stress & Anxiety In Just 21 Days?”

Limited Spots Available...Free Strategy Session For The First 25 People

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Date: October 1, 2023
From: Carol Rickard, LCSW
Re: Stress Rescue 

Let me ask you a something...

Have you ever been so stressed out that when you try to go sleep your mind wouldn't shut off and it would just keep racing?

Do you find that your stress sometimes spills out on the wrong people?

Lastly, do you notice that the littlest things are starting to get to you?

If the answer is "Yes", then you'll want to keep reading...

Research has shown stress levels are at an all time high and significantly interfering with people's ability to function on a daily basis. 

APA's Recent Study Found:

76% of Adults Report Stress Has Impacted Their Health


59% Headache v3


57% Fatigue v3


56% anxious v3


57% depressed v3


53% CHanges Sleep v3

Sleep Issues

I Know Just What That's Like

It was 2002 when I found myself sitting in my doctor's office for the 3rd week in a row with another unbearable migraine. I was nervous I’d be fired for missing so much time at work.

It was on the last visit when my doctor asked: “Carol, what’s got you so stressed out?”

Now the embarrassing part was...

Here I worked in a hospital teaching stress management to patients & staff and my doctor's telling me I'm not doing a very good job myself. 

But I was doing everything I taught: 

  • I was exercising
  • Trying to eat healthy,
  • Spending time with family & friends,
  • And even volunteering.

The Problem Was... 

My work was so stressful that the level would build up and by 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon I would end up with a migraine. 


What Happens To You When Too Much Stress Builds Up In Your Day?

Do any of the following sound familiar:

  • Are you so stressed out you can’t sleep?
  • Is your stress spilling out on the wrong people?
  • Are the littlest things starting to get to you?
  • Are you starting to have health issues?
  • Is stress ruining your relationship?

Well, it’s not your fault because you were taught the same things I was and they just don’t work like we were told.

Desperate To Not Get Fired And End The Migraines...

I decided to start using some of the “tools” I was teaching for just 60 seconds throughout my work day. Sometimes, it was only 15 or 30 seconds because I was super busy with patients.

My hope was if I could keep my stress level from getting so high at work, it would make a difference.

And it did…

That following week was the 1st time in a month I didn’t get a migraine and leave work early. I kept using my system over the next couple months with the same amazing result:


Curious to find out if it was just a fluke, I began teaching this system to the patients and staff.

And to my surprise, found they too started having great success. Many reported cutting their stress & anxiety levels in half!

That’s When I Realized I’d Discovered A Life-Changing System

When we use the right tools in the right order, we can take control of stress & anxiety anytime, anywhere in just seconds!

I called this life-changing discovery the “Rapid Relief Method”.

Since then, I’ve gone on to teach this method and the tools to 1,000’s of people across the world and at many top organizations including:

I've also been a featured in various media:

How Many Of You Would Like To Learn This Life Changing System?

Just imagine…

  • Being able to finally get a good night's rest…
  • No longer dumping stress on those you love…
  • Going through your day with a sense of calm & ease…
  • Being in total control of your health…
  • Building and strengthening your relationship…

There’s good news!

What I’ve decided to do is take what I taught for years to companies and put it into a simple program that anyone can gain access to, literally right now, today.


What is it?

It's an online video program designed to teach you the Rapid Relief Method and all the tools you need to cut stress and anxiety by 50% in just 21 days. You’ll learn everything needed to take control of stress & anxiety using the Rapid Relief Method.

Here's How It Works:

  1. Every 5 days you’ll receive a new lesson delivered to your inbox.
  2. Each lesson consists of a 30 minute training video from Carol personally teaching you one step of the system and a 60 second tool to begin using immediately. 
  3. You complete a brief homework assignment and then send it to Carol for review. (Due to the nature of this individualized attention, space for the training must be limited.)
  4. Track your daily progress with our specially designed tool.
  5. Join in our community conversation for additional support.

At the end of 21 have half the stress or anxiety you started out with or we'll refund your tuition!


Here's Just Some Of What You'll Learn:

Lesson One: SEE IT

  • Reset Your Stress Response FAST

  • Identifying Your "Stress Style"

  • Immediately Quiet A Racing Mind

Lesson Two: HONOR IT

  • Understanding Your "Brain Signals"

  • Three Ways Stress Is Hurting You

  • How "Mind-Pushups" Lead To Calm

Lesson Three: RELEASE IT

  • Why Most People Fail

  • Fastest Way To Take Control

  • Lots More 60 Second Tools!

Lesson Four: PREVENT IT

  • Real Solutions For Today's World

  • Why "Stress Rehearsals" Hold The Key

  • How to Make Sure You Stay On Track

BONUS: Carol's Secret Weapon!

  • How To Let Go Of The Past

  • The Key To Living Happy

  • Unwrapping Our Greatest Gift

PLUS These Special Features Exclusive To This Training...

  • Action Accelerators

    These are simple action assignments that help you put what you’re learning into practice and submit to Carol for review. 

  • Carol's Success Tracker

    This is a special tool developed and used by Carol which is grounded in neuroscience and sets you up for successfully building new habits.

  • Thrive Tribe

    Having the ongoing support of a like-minded group of individuals is a lifeline and helps build momentum for your success.

  • Coaching With Carol

    Being able to get answers to specific questions and help overcoming certain challenges will fast track your success.

  • Lifetime Access

    You’ll be able to come back and review the material anytime you want.

As You Can See. We've Included Everything You Need

This Is The Most Complete Stress Training Ever Developed
With Exclusive Strategies You Just Can't Get Anywhere Else

Stress Rescue is not something that I just came up with overnight. It's literally the culmination of decades of clinical experience and training audiences all over the country and virtually online. 

You'll learn the complete Rapid Relief System and get everything from training to habit building to support to coaching and accountability.

Don't Miss Out...

FREE Strategy Session With Carol to The First 25 People!

Strategy Session With Carol - Value $300.00

 If you sign up RIGHT NOW for Stress Rescue Training, we'll get you scheduled for a One on One Strategy Session With Carol.

This can supercharge your progress! This offer will go away soon - sign up NOW!

Don't miss out on this limited opportunity...

You Need To Take Action On This... Limited Space

Now's The Time To Reserve Your Spot

I've charged companies over $3,500.00 for this training but today you won't pay anywhere close to that. In fact, you'll receive everything for a whole lot less. 

If you register right now the cost for Stress Rescue is not thousands of dollars... it's only $247 when you register today.

100% No-Risk - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We believe in Stress Rescue 100%. If you don't reduce levels by 50% using our system**, we will refund your purchase 100%. Simply contact our friendly customer service department and we'll promptly refund your purchase.  If you are like the rest of the clients we work with, we know you'll absolutely be successful. ** You must have submitted assignments to qualify for a refund. If you don't do the work, our system didn't fail you, you did.

Priority Order Form

Stress Rescue Program

›››› YES! I want to join Carol's Stress Rescue Training and have her show me how to take control of the stress and anxiety with the Rapid Relief Method.

Please register my spot immediately for just $247 today.



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